It's rare that I witness an event, as it is happening, and say with certainty that I am participating in "history." I'm hard pressed to come up with more than a few in my lifetime. (The Iran Hostage Crisis, The Challenger Explosion, The Fall of The Berlin Wall, The Clinton Impeachment, 9/11...) But I have no doubt that in less than 24 hours America will take part in an event of historic proportions.
On January 20, 2009, Barrack Obama will be sworn in as America's first African American president.
Read that again.
On January 20, 2009, Barrack Obama will be sworn in as America's first African American president.
The United States of America, a country built on the backs of African slaves; a country literally torn apart over race; a country that gave rise to lynchings and the assassination of Martin Luther King; has elected a black man to lead it. Extraordinary.
In this moment I'm proud of my country. I'm proud that we have in some way overcome the past to arrive at this place. I'm proud that my children will grow up in an America where it seems perfectly normal for an African American to be the leader of the free world. I'm proud that we are better than who we were.
I didn't vote for President Obama (or his major party opponent), because we see the world differently. I expect to disagree with him on many issues. But in this moment – in this historic moment – I can only offer my congratulations. Seize this moment President Obama, and know that America is proud of the way you have brought out the best in us.
I believe that every once in a while comes a decision so great that it "carries itself"...these are the defining decisions in our Nation's History...our baby country is going through it growing pains; and we have finally begun to move to YOUNG ADULTHOOD.